Мод создание мобов. Рецепты для Necromancy

Necromancy Mod 1.7.10 allows you to play god. You take bodyparts from slain foes, stitch them together as you see fit, and reanimate the horrifying resulting.

This mod adds the ability to creature any creature that will be your pet. You can piece together unique and weird looking mobs!


  • 4 new Blocks such as the Surgical/Summoning Altar or the Sewing Machine
  • 9 new Items, 2 of which are weapons and 1 helmet, also a Brain on a Stick
  • A secret and terrifying ranged weapon
  • 2 new hostile Mobs spawning along with Zombies and Skeletons
  • Collect the Lifeblood and the Souls of your Enemies
  • Craft and animate your own Minions from 16 different Creature’s parts and subsequent stats
  • Over 1000 combinations possible unless Math
  • Custom Village spawns with Necromantic Traders
  • Blood chalices spawn in the Nether
  • 4 Necromantic Achievements
  • API for new Necromantic Entities to be introduced


Crafting Recipes:

First, you will need some bone needles to extract blood with. Craft them from bonemeal.

Craft some minecraft glass bottles to hold the blood in, and go stick some needles in living things. That will yield you Bottles of Blood.

Next, craft the children’s favourite, the unholy Necronomicon. It takes leather, blood, a book, ink, a feather, and Nether Warts.

Place 2 cobblestone and one Block of planks in a row, those will be your surgical slate/altar. Use the Necronomicon you just crafted on the Planks. The 3 Blocks will transform into an Altar.

Now it is time to collect ourselves some raw materials to work with. But of course, the right tool for the job is needed first. Craft a Scythe using Obsidian, an iron hoe, a stick and some blood.

Go and relieve some pitiful creatures of their lives using this. Make sure you have glass bottles in your inventory, to collect their sweet souls in.

You might also have noticed Mobs dropping bodyparts on death. Collect these, they will be needed in a moment. First, craft yourself a sewing machine from iron, string and a bone needle.

Place it somewhere and the grand work can begin. Necromantic Skin is the basis for most recipes, so start off with that. Just throw some leather into the sewing machine and work on it with bone needles and string.

Now, it is finally time to start assembling the minion of your fevered dreams. Here are the body part templates, using Skin and Organs:

Note the empty slots inside those templates. That’s where the creature-specific parts go into. Typically those match the creature’s drops. If for example you want Zombie legs, put in 2 rotten flesh in the slots below the muscle. If you want a sheep head, put some wool next to the brain in the recipe.

Assemble your new Minion on the Altar you built earlier. Put the jars of blood and souls in the slots meant for them. If everything is in place, close the Altar GUI, crouch down in obeisance to the dark gods, and use the Altar Block. If you did everything correctly, your Minion will rise. If you messed up, you might get a nice Lightning Bolt in the face for your troubles.

The combat stats of your Minion depend on the quality of the parts used. Mobs are stronger than animals. Ender parts are stronger than Zombies.

Minions behave like pet wolves. They will follow you around (you can tell them to wait), attack with you, and defend you when needed. You can also saddle them like a horse and use a Brain on a Stick to ride them around… use a fishing rod and a Brain.

The mod also adds Nightcrawlers and Isaac to randomly spawning Mobs. Isaac is a tough opponent with multiple stages. However he drops the extremely powerful Isaac’s Head helmet on final death.

While wearing Isaac’s Head, you can use the buttons defined in your controls (default ‘f’, ‘g’) to fire tears and blood tears. Tears drain hunger. Blood tears drain health. You can also mount Isaac’s Head on a Minion. The Minion obtains tears as ranged weapon.

One last thing. If you’re the exploring kind, you might prefer to go to the nether to get your blood. Nether Chalice’s spawn randomly in the lava lakes.

They hold a ton of blood, but it can be dangerous to reach them. The blood can be picked up with buckets. You can transform Blood buckets to and from Jars of Blood like so:


How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge .
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Данный мод позволит вам почувствовать себя богом. Соберите части тела убитых врагов, сшейте их вместе и вдохните жизнь в ваше ужасное творение.

  • 4 новых блока, среди которых хирургический алтарь призывания и швейная машинка

  • 9 новых предметов, среди которых 2 орудия, 1 шлем и удочка с мозгом

  • секретное и ужасное оружие дальнего боя

  • 2 новых враждебных, которые спаунятся вместе с зомби и скелетами

  • возможность собирать кровь и души ваших врагов

  • возможность собрать и оживить собственных миньонов из 16 различных частей тела

  • более 1000 возможных комбинаций

  • купцы-некроманты спаунятся в деревне

  • чаши крови генерируются в Нижнем мире

  • 4 достижения некроманта

  • API для добавления новых элементов мода

Рецепты для Necromancy:

Для начала вам понадобятся костяные иголки, чтобы извлечь кровь.

Изготовьте несколько колб и заполните их кровью, протыкая существ иголкой.

Поместите в один ряд 2 булыжника и доски, используйте Некрономикон на досках и вся конструкция превратиться в хирургический алтарь.

Теперь самое время запастись необходимыми материалами. Для этого вам понадобится коса:

Возьмите с собой колбы и заполните их душами живых существ, используя косу.

Вы заметите, что с мобов после смерти падают части тела. Соберите их. Но, чтобы они принесли пользу, вам понадобится швейная машинка:

Поместите её куда-нибудь и приступайте к работе. Начните с некромантской кожи – это основа всех рецептов. Бросьте кожу в швейную машинку и зарядите её иголками и нитью.

Наконец, настало время собрать вашего собственного миньона.

Изготовьте шаблоны частей тела из кожи и органов:





Обратите внимание на пустые ячейки в шаблонах – в них необходимо поместить предметы, относящиеся к мобам. Чаще всего, это выпадающие с них ресурсы. Например, если вы хотите создать ногу зомби, поместите 2 куска гнилой плоти в свободные ячейки. Если вам нужна голова овцы, поместите шерсть в шаблоне рядом с мозгом.

Соберите своего миньона на алтаре. Поместите колбы с кровью и душами в специальные ячейки и закройте интерфейс алтаря. Активируйте алтарь, нажав ЛКМ+Shift, и, если всё установлено правильно, появится ваш миньон.

Боевые свойства миньона зависят от качества использованных частей тела. Части тела враждебных мобов лучше, чем части тела животных. Части тела странника Края лучше, чем части тела зомби.

Миньоны ведут себя, как волки: они следуют за игроком (если им не велено ждать), атакуют вместе с ним и защищают от врагов. Кроме того, их можно оседлать и управлять ими, используя удочку с мозгом.

Мод также добавляет в игру новых мобов: ночного змея и Исаака. Исаак – сильный оппонент, убиваемый в несколько этапов. Но зато после смерти с него выпадает невероятно мощный шлем – голова Исаака.

В шлеме Исаака вы можете стрелять слезами и кровавыми слезами, используя установленные горячие клавиши (по умолчанию: «f», «g»). Выстрел слезой истощает игрока, кровавой слезой – снижает здоровье. Вы также можете надеть голову Исаака на миньона, тем самым наделив его возможностью стрелять слезами.

Наконец, если вы любите исследовать территории, заскочите в Нижний мир. Там в лавовых озёрах вы можете найти чаши крови.

The Necromancy Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2

Updated: Jun 8, 2017 | 6,163 views |

Like the name implies, The Necromancy Mod 1.12.2 is a perfect mod about necromancy. This mod focuses on reanimating slain foes, that’s why this mod is also called the art of reanimation. Additionally, through it, you will utilize your minions to rule the world! (of minecraftia). Hope that this great mod will give depth to your game.


Mod Review:


First things first. you need to get some blood. In order to harvest blood you need some Bone Needles. these are crafted like so:

Craft yourself some Glass Bottles and hit a mob with a needle. This will consume the needle and the bottle, but you will get a Jar of Blood in return. If you’re on a server you can also hit the other players to get their blood.
Next up, the Necronomicon.

With the necronomicon you can create yourself a Summoning Altar! Place 2 and a plank in a row (in the world, not the crafting bench) and right click the plank. You still can’t summon a minion yet though. You need to get some souls first. How? With a Scythe, a Blood Scythe.

Use this weapon to kill some mobs and make sure you have some glass bottles left in . If you use the Scythe to deliver the final blow, a bottle will be filled with a soul.

One more thing. You need a Sewing Machine to create bodyparts. It is crafted like so

Now this is where it gets complicated. There are a lot of recipes so i won’t post them all, but i’ll show you the basic recipes, or templates if you will
You need to start with getting some skin.

with the skin, you can create heads, torso’s, legs and arms. You’ll also need some organs, these can be obtained by killing mobs.

You’ll notice that these recipes won’t work and that they have holes in them. Like I said before, these are the template recipes. Let’s say you want to create a spider head, you take the head template recipe and put some string next to the brain. If you want a zombie head you put some next to the brain.

Back to the Summoning Altar. You should have body parts now and you should see a couple of slots in the Altar. The left one is for blood, the right one is for souls. Place your body parts in the center to create a minion. If you are happy with the way your minion looks and you have supplied the altar with blood and a soul, you shift right-click the wooden part and the minion will spawn. If you aren’t creative, the altar will use up your blood, soul and body parts. If you have The Harken Scythe mod installed, you can also use their souls instead of mine.

So what can you do with your minions? As of now, not much. They will follow and protect you. You can also saddle them by using a saddle on them. Keep in mind that this only works if you minion has a spider torso. Shift right click to mount the minion and right click again do dismount. If you want, you can craft yourself a Brain on a Stick to control them.

One last thing. If you’re the exploring kind, you might prefer to go to the nether to get your blood. Nether Chalice’s spawn randomly in the lava lakes.

They hold a ton of blood, but it can be dangerous to reach them. The blood can be picked up with buckets. You can transform Blood buckets to and from Jars of Blood like so

Happy Summoning!

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge
  • Download the mod
  • Go to %appdata%
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it
  • If one does not exist you can create one
  • Enjoy the mod